Study the rates of fermentation of fruit or vegetable
I would like to express my sincere gratitude
to my chemistry mentor Mrs. ABC, for his vital support, guidance and
encouragement -without which this project would not have come forth. BONA FIDE
CERTIFICATE Certified to be the bona fide work done by
Mr. / Miss............................ of the ..................during the year...........................Date..................... .......................YOUR SCHOOL NAME ............ Submitted for ALL
INDIA SENIOR SECONDARY EXAMINATION held in .......................YOUR SCHOOL NAME............. .
Examiner DATE-________________ INDEX
Page No
. Bibliography
The Objective of this project is to study the
rates of fermentation of the following fruit or vegetable juices.
juice ii.
juice (1)
Fermentation is the slow decomposition of
complex organic compound into simpler compounds by the action of enzymes.
Enzymes are complex organic compounds, generally proteins. Examples of
fermentation are: souring of milk or curd, bread making, wine making and
brewing. The word Fermentation has been derived from Latin (Ferver which means
to ‘boil’).
As during fermentation there is lot of
frothing of the liquid due to the evolution of carbon dioxide, it gives the
appearance as if it is boiling. Sugars like glucose and sucrose when fermented
in the presence of yeast cells are converted to ethyl alcohol.
During fermentation of starch, starch is
first hydrolysed to maltose by the action of enzyme diastase. The enzyme
diastase is obtained from germinated barley seeds. Fermentation is carried out
at a temperature of 4–16 °C (40–60 °F).
This is low for most kinds of fermentation,
but is beneficial for cider as it leads to slower fermentation with less loss
of delicate aromas. Apple based juices with cranberry also make fine ciders;
and many other fruit purées or flavorings can be used, such as grape, cherry,
and raspberry.
The cider is ready to drink after a three
month fermentation period, though more often it is matured in the vats for up
to two or three years.
Louis Pasteur in 1860 demonstrated that
fermentation is a purely physiological process carried out by living
micro-organism like yeast. This view was abandoned in 1897 when Buchner
demonstrated that yeast extract could bring about alcoholic fermentation in the
absence of any yeast cells.
He proposed that fermenting activity of yeast
is due to active catalysts of biochemical origin. These biochemical catalyst
are called enzymes. Enzymes are highly specific.
A given enzyme acts on a specific compound or
a closely related group of compounds. Fermentation has been utilized for many
years in the preparation of beverages. Materials from Egyptian tombs
demonstrate the procedures used in making beer and leavened bread.
The history of fermentation, whereby sugar is
converted to ethanol by action of yeast, is also a history of chemistry. Van
Helmont coined the word iogaslt in 1610 to describe the bubbles produced in
Leeuwenhoek observed and described the cells
of yeast with his newly invented microscope in 1680. The fruit and vegetable
juices contain sugar such as sucrose, glucose and fructose. These sugars on
fermentation in the presence of the enzymes invertase and zymase give with the
evolution of carbon dioxide.
Maltose is converted to glucose by enzyme
Glucose is converted to ethanol by another
enzyme zymase
Glucose is a
reducing sugar and gives red coloured precipitates with Fehling’s solution,
when warmed. When the fermentation is complete, the reaction mixture stops
giving any red colour or
precipitate with Fehling solution.
Conical flasks (250 ml), test tubes and water
bath, Apple juice and Fehling’s solution.
1. Take 5.0 ml of apple juice in a
clean 250 ml conical flask and dilute it with 50 ml of distilled water.
2. Add 2.0 gram of Baker’s yeast and
5.0 ml of solution of Pasteur’s salts to the above conical flask.
3. Shake well the contents of the flask
and maintain the temperature of the reaction mixture between 35-40°C.
4. After 10minutes take 5 drops of the
reaction mixture from the flask and add to a test tube containing 2 ml of
Fehling reagent. Place the test tube in the boiling water bath for about 2
minutes and note the colour of the solution or precipitate.
5. Repeat the step 4 after every 10
minutes when the reaction mixture stops giving any red colour or precipitate.
6. Note the time taken for completion of fermentation
REQUIREMENTS Conical flasks (250 ml), test
tubes and water bath, Carrot juice and Fehling’s solution.
1. Take 5.0 ml of carrot juice in a
clean 250 ml conical flask and dilute it with 50 ml of distilled water.
2. Add 2.0 gram of Baker’s yeast and
5.0 ml of solution of Pasteur’s salts to the above conical flask.
3. Shake well the contents of the flask
and maintain the temperature of the reaction mixture between 35-40°C.
4. After 10minutes take 5 drops of the
reaction mixture from the flask and add to a test tube containing 2 ml of
Fehling reagent. Place the test tube in the boiling water bath for about 2
minutes and note the colour of the solution or precipitate.
5. Repeat the step 4 after every 10
minutes when the reaction mixture stops giving any red colour or precipitate.
6. Note the time taken for completion
of fermentation. Pasteur’s Salt Solution – Pasteur salt solution is prepared by
dissolving ammonium tartrate 10.0g; potassium phosphate 2.0 g; calcium
phosphate 0.2g, and magnesium sulphate 0.2 g dissolved in 860ml of water
Volume of fruit juice taken
Volume of distilled water added
Weight of Baker’s yeast added
Volume of solution of Pasteur’s salts
5.0 ml
50.0 ml
2.0 g
5.0 ml
Time (in minutes) Colour of reaction mixture
on reaction with Fehling Solution in case of 10 20 30 40 60
The rate of fermentation of apple juice is
………… than the rate of fermentation of carrot juice.
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